After losing my apprenticeship at Tickford Racing in 2021 due to COVID, I moved from Melbourne to Brisbane. Jobless, I decided it was time I brought all of my best skills together to start Mach Super - a solo multimedia outlet of my dreams. Mach Super is the location of intersection for my skills, passions and obsessions with CNC machining (especially DIY 5 axis), engineering, filmmaking, graphic design, computer programming, and about 99 other things.
I owe a debt to all the free education online for learning machinists. John Saunders at NYC CNC and Tom Lipton have played a huge role in both inspiring and educating me to become the machinist I am today. John for his unrelenting passion; Tom for his intelligent, diligent, patient and methodical approach to his work. I have a lot I want to give back to the online machining communities, as well as help to push it to new heights. Mach Super will be the delivery mechanism for this.
I've not even finished my apprenticeship, yet machining has offered a guiding light to my life for over a decade now. Machining has brought me a sense of accomplishment and helped me to develop a sense of self respect and worthiness in the world. Machining continues to open up doors to me; Mach Super has accelerated that so much and I'm only getting started!